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Receiving press coverage for Peaks for Change is an honour. We are committed to ending the stigma surrounding mental health and are thankful for the voice provided to us in the media. Check out the coverage below!

OCT 3, 2021

Training At Altitude

Have you ever gone for a run at high elevations? Say, Peru or even Colorado? The thin air can make it difficult to breathe. Turns out many elite athletes, and even “normal” people like you and I, are turning to altitude chambers to up their game – claiming training with less oxygen causes physiological adaptations to enhance performance.

Ema is featured in the interview!

MAR 6, 2021

Portuguesa conclui no Evereste aventura para combater desigualdade de género

Ema Dantas vai tentar ser a primeira mulher portuguesa a subir aos sete cumes mais altos do mundo, uma aventura que teve início em 2017 e termina entre abril e maio deste ano no Evereste, 8.848 metros acima do nível do mar.

MAR 2, 2021

Conquering the Stigma of Mental Health One Summit at a Time

Ema Dantas set to become Canada’s 24th person to complete the Seven Summits (Bass and Messner versions) when she summits Everest in May 2021. Her dual citizenship will make her the first Portuguese woman to complete the Seven Summits.

Dantas will also become the 131st Canadian (male or female) to summit Everest itself. And during a pandemic, no less.

NOV 15, 2019

Milénio Stadium

Ema Dantas, our Founder and also the President and CEO of Language Marketplace Inc spoke with Milénio Stadium about her opinions on some facets of Mental Health related illnesses.

JUL 30, 2019

Denali Summit

Read our latest news coverage in Portugal, of our Chair, whom is also the President of Language Marketplace, and whom may become the first Portuguese woman to complete the 7 summits, during our quest to end the stigma on mental health and raise much needed funds for CAMH.

Read First News Article

Read Second News Article 

Read Third News Article

Read Fourth News Article

Read Fifth News Article

JUL 6, 2019

Mom’s mental illness turned Georgetown grandma into mountain climber

JUL 4, 2019

Mountain Climbing Granny

Scaling highest peaks to battle stigma of mental illness

FEB 4, 2019

Peaks for Change accepting nominations for 2nd annual awards event

AUG 17, 2018

Milenio Stadium

Story on Peaks for Change with Ema Dantas
– Mt Elbrus

AUG 9, 2018

Breakfast Television & Nighly News

An in-depth interview with Ema Dantas

JUL 2018

Publication of Panorama

Climbing Mountains to End Stigmas

MAY 2018

Revista Amar (Portugese monthly publication)

An in-depth conversation – Ema talks about what led her personal journey that led her to create the Peaks for Change Foundation. Includes coverage of 1st Annual Summit Gala.

MAY 2018

Gente TV Interview

Ema discusses Peaks for Change

APR 6, 2018

Camões Radio’s Roundtable

Issues included mental health, the stigma and raising awareness

An important topic discussed on tonight’s show based around mental health, the stigma and raising awareness. With hosts, Nellie Pedro II Nellie Pedro, Ema Dantas, Fatima Labinowizc, & Paul Silva.

MAR 17, 2018

RTP Television Story (Portugal)

Ema Dantas for a cause – 7 Summits (Portuguese)

FEB 7, 2018

Jornal de Notícias (full page, national newspaper – Portugal)

Ema Dantas for a cause – 7 Summits (Portuguese)

FEB 5, 2018

Articles in Various Portuguese Media

Click here to see the story written in Portuguese for Luso (picked up by other papers below)

JAN 27, 2018


Interview with Ema Dantas

Focus Portuguese with Sérgio Maurato.

NOV 11, 2018


Interview “Best Of Cafe Da Manha” – watch the interview at 7:35

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